About the Book Reviewers

 We Review Your Books!

Kato Justus

I am interested in reviewing your books. Upon completion I will post my honest review on LibraryThing, Goodreads, Amazon and Twitter. I love to read a wide array of literature especially politics, justice/injustice, young adult, adventure, mystery, thriller, suspense, dark humor/satire, urban fantasy/fiction, noir, pulp, steampunk, techno-thriller, science fiction themes and subject matter. I consider any ARC a privilege and a responsibility. Authors please allow approximately four weeks for your review to post. I look forward to hearing from you and reviewing your book. Thank you for stopping by. Contact Kato here: Twitter, Goodreads 

Madelon Wilson 

I read fiction and non-fiction with equal enthusiasm. I prefer certain genre fiction above all else. The genres I read are horror, science fiction (speculative fiction), mystery, thriller, and police procedural. I am not a big fan of the romance novel, but I have read and enjoyed the occasional Nora Roberts trilogy when it falls into one of my other genre favorites. If you read romance, this is probably not the blog for you. I am not a fan of the bodice ripper, nor am I a fan of gratuitous sex that has nothing to do with moving the plot forward erotica.

I am both a reader and a writer. I enjoy writing book reviews for the pleasure of writing them. I don't do spoilers, so I have to craft my sentences in such a way that I entice a reader without giving anything away. My philosophy is pique my readers' interest then let them read the book for themselves. 

Over the last couple of years, I have been contacted by both authors, publishers, and publicists requesting that I review particular books. It has been my honor and pleasure to have read quite a few five-star reads because of these contacts. 

See my Amazon Reviews here. Contact Madelon here: Goodreads

This space is reserved for the next Reviewer profile TBD.
